We approach every client relationship with a unique and invigorating perspective, coupled with an unwavering energy that inspires action. Our commitment to teamwork, trust, and an open-mindedness towards differing opinions creates an environment where clients can concentrate on their potential opportunities, enhance their capabilities, and ultimately succeed in shaping the future.
Together, we achieve remarkable results that transcend the boundaries of what is currently achievable and unlock the true potential of our clients’ visions.
Meet our Faculty
Beratung’s global leadership is comprised of several key entities, including the managing partner, the Shareholders Council (elected board of directors), the Acceleration Team (global leadership team), and the leaders of various offices and practices. Together, they drive the strategic direction and operations of the organization.
Franklin Grant
Founder & CEO
Julian Boone
Chief Executive Officer
Dora Schwartz
Capabilities Leader
Nina Ray
Industries Leader
Charles Haynes
Global Managing Partner
Alta Tyler
Chief People Officer
Joseph Buchanan
Chief Financial Officer